Thursday, October 28, 2010


Still waiting on final loan approval. We had to move some things around in order to qualify, but our rate is locked in now so that is good. I went a few days not really thinking about it much since there isn't much we can do at this point and when I brought it back to the forefront of my mind, I started to get nervous all of the sudden. Not about the house. I don't know about what, maybe just the unsettled, nothing is final anxiousness. Its weird to buy a house and then just sit around waiting for it. I've worked out a lot of my ideas for decorating. Now I just want to submit our construction deposit and have them finish it lightning fast.

We have so much more motivation to save and be careful with our money now. We always tried to before, but now its vital. And its really good for us. I guess I'll do a window seat post now :)

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