My poor little phone had an unfortunate accident a while back. I'm not sure what happened, but there is a big spider web crack that starts in the upper right hand corner and spreads down about 1/3 of my phone. Fortunately it still works okay, but now that our contract is up with AT&T, I can get a new phone. I contemplated going back to the days of simpler life and getting a non-smart phone (gasp!), but when we got to the store and I looked at them, I was sad at the thought of having just a regular ol' phone. Call my spoiled, I am used to my snazzy iPhone. Andre showed me an Android smart phone, which I promptly disregarded. Eek, "It looks like a windows device," I thought. I looked at a few others but somehow ended up back by that HTC Inspire. Upon actually checking it out, I kind of started to like the huge screen and it was surprisingly responsive. I liked looking at the calendar on that big screen and the camera was cool too.
Then I checked out the iPhone 4 and what would you know, I just don't love it. The screen seemed small all of the sudden and I don't like the hard edges. Of course a bumper would take care of that, but I went back to the HTC. I was actually considering getting an Android phone. Yuck! I really dislike the word "Android". We went home and did a little research. Turns out the battery life on the Inspire is awful. But it really had me thinking. Do you know what it does?? It senses when it is in a pocket and rings louder. My husband can attest to the fact that I often miss phone calls simply because I can't hear/feel my phone.
I know the iPhone is a superior device though and their clever marketing campaign was ringing in my ear, "If you don't have an iPhone...well, you don't have an iPhone." And I worry I might be sad if I don't at least give the iPhone 5 a chance to make its appearance. But congrats HTC on making a phone that actually had me thinking!
LOL!!! "Charles Karault" or "Mickey Rooney"?